Manager X
1 min readJul 20, 2022

I just read an article, published by Olumide Olusanya in 2015(one of the people I respect the most), on why an instacart model is doomed to fail in Nigeria. I then thought to myself, I have been totally oblivious to the fact that martcity is trying to replicate what instacart is doing, here in Nigeria. Does this mean martcity is doomed to fail? I must say, when I saw the headline, I was scared to read it. Because I knew it was something that affected me directly. While basking in the fear of an article, I acknowledged that the fear of studying the failure of others before me is a trait of mine in desperate need of amputation at this point in my life. So I opened the article. Read it, twice. I saw that most of the points(9 out of 10) highlighted were already being worked on. I have been extremely hard on myself recently, but after reading this article, I became proud of myself. The fact that we were subconsciously thinking about these points and their solutions is something I am proud of, even if its for a brief second.

But, I also know, that article was written 7 years ago, which makes them old problems. New problems have emerged. What are they? How can we trace them? How do we fix? Are the end users aware of these problems? If aware, are the end users ready for a solution? I do not have the answers to these questions, but I will find them.

